
俄克拉荷马县,OK 房地产,手机版下载出售,学校 & 区域信息

查找手机版下载出售在俄克拉何马县,俄克拉何马州和搜索房地产和手机版下载出租. 浏览公寓、联排别墅、 & 租赁. 下载巴黎人贵宾厅app Oklahoma房地产经纪人可以帮助您找到待售手机版下载, 公寓, 商业地产, 和更多的.


  • 奥黛丽贝克
    寻找你梦想中的家? 你的搜索到此结束! 有许多即将到来的开放日参观您自己的节奏!
  • 杰里米Moosavi
  • 俄克拉荷马县,OK
    埃德蒙市中心最近肯定在复兴. 新开的咖啡店, 餐厅, 联合办公区, 精品店也层出不穷, all generations of 埃德蒙ites are enjoying spending their days and now nights enjoying the downtown living that once began the entire city. The Downtown 埃德蒙 Business Association does a tremendous job hosting festivals such as 埃德蒙 Art's Festival, 疯狂Dayz, 还有市中心的历史幽灵之旅.

    埃德蒙's Heard on Hurd was one of the first food-truck festivals made popular in the 俄克拉荷马城 area and each year attracts more 和更多的 street fairs. Citizen's Bank always decorates Broadway in beautiful Christmas lights each year and local businesses compete to create the most hilarious scarecrows in the fall time. 这就像吉尔莫女孩乐队的一个小型的星光山谷乐队和即将到来的爵士音乐节.
  • Although I do wish all businesses would close on Thanksgiving Day so that more families could spend time together, here is my short list of some great options if you are dining out for Thanksgiving Day in the OKC Metro area.

    黑熊餐厅,纪念西路3015号.感恩节特色菜,6美元.m. 到8点.m.

    弗林特,罗宾逊大街北15号. (克尔克特酒店), 营业时间正常,按菜单点菜, 加上特别的感恩节菜单,包括火鸡, 火腿和上等肋排, 605-0657.

    Grand House, 2701 N Classen Blvd.,特别点心服务,上午9点.m. 到3点.m., 524-7333.
    Ingrid's Kitchen, 3701 N Youngs Blvd.; Thanksgiving buffet seatings at 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1 p.m., 2:30 p.m. 和4p.m.; 946-8444.

    关氏厨房,纪念道西3031号.; Dim sum 10 a.m., 3 p.m., 11 a.m.到晚上8点.m. full menu; 607-8838.

    公园大道1号公园大道烧烤店(Skirvin Hilton酒店).; breakfast buffet 6:30 to 10:30 a.m.; 11 到2点.m. prix fixe menu; 5 to 9 p.m.提供固定价格的全套套餐和固定菜单. 大宴会厅:自助餐,每天10元.m. 到2点.m., 702-8444.

    If you are looking for something for large groups 和更多的 upscale, stick with Park Avenue Grill. 我爱那个地方!

    Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving Day with friends and family whether you dine in at home or out at one of our favorite picks for Thanksgiving Day dining!
  • 欢迎收听我对俄克拉何马县房地产市场的最新报道. Oklahoma County has seen much development due to the exciting things happening in 俄克拉荷马城 through the MAPS program. 我们看到了新的公民活动和就业机会的增加. 对俄克拉何马县来说是个好消息! 2018年3月对俄克拉荷马州西北部的房地产来说是一个伟大的月份, 这是一个伟大的时间住在一个美妙的城市!

    俄克拉荷马县最昂贵的待售手机版下载:6张床, 11个浴, 9,972平方英尺,售价2美元,100,000
    俄克拉荷马县最便宜的待售手机版下载:1张床, 1浴, 423平方英尺,售价10美元,000

    如果你喜欢伟大的家, 属性值, 像俄克拉荷马城这样一个不断发展和令人兴奋的城市, 那你就该聪明点了. 在我们的俄克拉荷马地铁和埃德蒙房地产市场找到您的梦想家园!
  • 向当地专家询问有关俄克拉荷马县的问题.
    Decided to take a day and went down to the Wheeler District off of I-40 south of downtown 俄克拉荷马城 and ride the Ferris wheel. It takes you nine stories up and you can get an amazing view of the heart of the original south 俄克拉荷马城. 我觉得自己又像个孩子一样在河上翱翔.

    这个地区将成为举办新活动、住房和餐馆的地方. Blair Humphrey is the developer of this district which is truly going to boost the South 俄克拉荷马城 area. 乘坐摩天轮的费用很低,但很值得花时间和金钱.
  • 向当地专家询问有关俄克拉荷马县的问题.
    I'm currently sitting in Saturn Grill in NW OKC/Nichols Hills enjoying a great sandwich and hot tea. 看着窗外的尼科尔斯山广场, 我看到很多购物者在俄克拉何马州享受这个圣诞假期. 如果你需要一些关于当地商业购物场所的最后一分钟购物建议, 这是我的单子!

    圣诞节前最后一个购物周末, 请查看我的礼品指南,了解俄克拉何马州零售购物场景. 你会发现像Fit Circle、common Books、Chirps这样的商店 & 干杯, Nhu大道, Shop Mode时尚, 贸易男士用品, 奥波利斯服装公司, 黑色火花, 布朗的面包店, 很多商品, DNA画廊, Roxy's Ice Cream Social, 威尔顿杰克和更多. 在这个圣诞季节,在俄克拉荷马城地区寻找一些当地的、有独特价值的东西! 圣诞快乐!
  • Here's a few of the things I got to sample in this 俄克拉荷马城 area mainstay for fun and relaxation. 我坐了朱庇特火车,感觉棒极了! I spent some time at the animal farm they have there at Orr and loved on some sweet animals. 你坐过“滑索”吗?? 好吧..俄克拉荷马城南部的奥尔家庭农场也有. 别忘了嚼一口爆米花,然后去Orr柠檬水摊...等不及再来这里了吗...它非常适合春夏游玩!
  • 向当地专家询问有关俄克拉荷马县的问题.
    我周末花了一部分时间探索俄克拉何马州市中心的住宅和城市生活. 喜欢它!
    上周末你有机会参加俄克拉何马市中心的家庭之旅吗? Living in Downtown, Midtown and the Bricktown area is becoming highly desirable for residents of OKC. 阁楼, townhomes and 公寓 and exciting new developments are making work and play in the downtown areas of 俄克拉荷马城 a reality!

    如果你喜欢走路和骑自行车而不是开车, then you might want to check out what our OKC urban living evangelists have to say about it. 视图 the video below to get a first-hand report on what it's like to establish a home and lifestyle in our 俄克拉荷马城 Downtown living areas. 我真的很喜欢这次旅行!

    Here's a few of the stops that were made and living areas viewed by me and my companions on this wonderful Downtown Home Tour.
    *The Marion, 110 NW 10, built in 1901, rehab architect David Kraszewski, builder Lingo Construction. The Marion functioned as a hotel for many, many years until it was closed in the mid-1980s. 它一直空置着,直到开发商利用了俄克拉荷马城的发展. 这是我最喜欢的一次巡演.
    *大都会酒店,俄克拉荷马大道800号.由建筑师Lord Aeck and Sargent Inc .于2016年建造. 大都会坐落在俄克拉荷马城最具活力的地区. 现代设计、地理位置和科技的融合,都带有城市气息.
    *The Edge, 1325 N Walker Ave. 250个单元的混合用途社区. 一个屋顶狗公园,屋顶露台和一个类似高档酒店休息室的大厅. The community also boasts 7,500 square feet of retail and welcomes Organic Squeeze Kitchen Table.
    *The Haven, 601 Robert S. 克尔大街. 大型现代公寓和迷人的花园提供了一个家外之家. 外面是俄克拉荷马城最好的娱乐场所.

    我玩得很开心...enjoyed it and learned much about options for my clients who desire a Downtown urban lifestyle choice and I will definitely be showing these properties to my clients who desire and appreciate urban living!
  • 不知道俄克拉荷马城有一个“班卓琴博物馆”? 如果你在布里克镇,这是一个特别的地方,对我们俄克拉何马州来说非常独特. If you love banjo music and you remember how much fun it was to watch Steve Martin (the comedian and one who loved to use a banjo for a stage prop for his skits) then you will find this news about our 美国班卓琴博物馆 of interest. 花点时间来了解这个独特的OKC场地. Visit the link below to learn more about Steve Martin's contributions to this piece of American history. 当你在俄克拉荷马地区, 别忘了去市中心和布里克镇看看美味的餐饮选择!
  • 我在俄克拉何马州社区烧烤天堂的最佳选择:

    你要不要熏一下, 炖, 烤, 抹上美味的酱汁或干得像骨头一样, 最好的烧烤是你一生中最习惯吃的东西. 然而, 如果你是俄克拉何马地区的新手, then I have some great insight and suggestions on some great BBQ 餐厅 that you might want to check out the next time you feel a need to indulge in BBQ nirvana.

    *俄克拉荷马州诺曼的Van's Pig Stand:
    如果你开车去诺曼的这个地方,它看起来像一个旧的服务加油站. 那是因为在我们的历史上,它曾经是. 它以烟熏辣味烧烤酱而闻名! 当你在这里点餐时,我还推荐“卷曲薯条”作为配菜. 你不会失望的!

    *俄克拉荷马城的Iron star Urban Bar-B-Q:
    The décor is upscale cowboy with a copper-hammered bar, dark wood floors and studded leather booths. 这食物绝对好吃! 当他们拿出热毛巾和柠檬角来搭配你的烧烤大餐时, you know that you are dealing with some messy ribs and that's what makes this place so divine! 这些侧面也值得大书特书. Choose from fried okra, fancy mac and cheese, seared green beans and Dutch oven sweet potatoes. 我喜欢它在俄克拉荷马一个非常时髦的地区的位置. 你不会错过铁星烧烤的标志!

    这家烧烤店曾在美食网的热门电视节目《下载巴黎人贵宾厅app》中亮相, 盖伊·菲利的汽车影院和潜水! 要一些排骨,厚切的博洛尼亚,切碎的牛肉和两面搭配的热链接? 当你走进这家令人惊叹的俄克拉荷马烧烤店时,这就是你的晚餐! 如果你吃完饭后还觉得饿....你可以免费得到一片他们著名的草莓香蕉蛋糕. 说到质量,这个地方是“老派”的,经典的烧烤. 你不会忘记在里奥家吃的饭的!

    想在我的清单上加一条吗? Please contact me and share your thoughts and ideas on the best BBQ joints in OKC and the surrounding area. I love sharing all of this dining and local fun information with my clients and would appreciate hearing your suggestions on BBQ and beyond!




    俄克拉荷马城, OK 73116


    乔克托语的, OK 73020


    中西部城市, OK 73130


    埃德蒙, OK 73013


    俄克拉荷马城, OK 73115